Our Program
Oasis tlc has created a local farmstead model program. It is a model that offers continuing education, vocational skill-building, employment, and housing, in a local farm setting , across the life-span for people with autism.
The mission at OASIS tlc is to promote inclusion and acceptance of autistic individuals into their local communities by establishing environmentally exemplary farm centers that provide meaningful work, peaceful and healthy residences and community interaction.
Meaningful Work
Oasis has developed a tiered system that moves clients (at their own pace) from exploring a variety of jobs connected to the farm to finding a job they enjoy and ultimately become an employee of OASIS or a similar placement out in the local community. This tiered system moves individuals through four individual phases:
Phase 1 - Student-Intern: an individual who has been accepted into the program and is sampling all the jobs on the farm.
Phase 2 - Skilled Intern: an individual who has expressed an interest and shows talent in a specific area. That individual will begin to learn the specifics of that job and work towards being independent (Training Phase).
Phase 3 - Apprentice: An intern who shows promise in a certain area and is becoming proficient at the job, but still requires some support and supervision.
Phase 4 -Employee: An individual who requires minimal supervision and is proficient with the required job. The employee is placed on the Oasis payroll (starting at minimum wage).
Of Oasis’ twenty full-time clients, half have transitioned into apprenticeships or employment - a testament to Oasis’ dedication to recognizing and nurturing the unique strengths and potential for each intern. Oasis’ approach focuses on creating a supportive environment with the aim of having individuals thrive and feel valued.

Residential Services
OASIS tlc provides housing for individuals with autism over the age of eighteen. Our houses provide private rooms, shared living spaces, and other amenities of a farm environment. Skill building may include daily living skills such as grooming and meal preparation; healthy eating and living choices; housekeeping skills; self awareness and advocacy strengthening; money management, etc. Learning how to utilize one’s leisure time will also be part of the planning in order to ensure that personal energies can be directed to as many personally productive activities as possible throughout one’s day.
Vocational Services
OASIS tlc also serves as a vocational site. Potential opportunities for vocational skill-building and job training may include:
Animal Care
Art and Ceramics
Egg Cleaning/Packaging
Flower arranging
Homesteading (ex. goat cheese, jams)
Product-making (ex. soaps, goat lotion)
Feedstock and Supply Manager
Food Service (server/bussing/dishwashing)
Farm Store Manager and/or Clerk
Weaving and Sewing
Recreational Services
Oasis interns are encouraged to explore and become involved within their local community. Interns have the opportunity to choose to participate in a variety of activities. These activities include, but are not limited to:
Art lessons
Drama class
Music lessons
Fitness class
Yoga class
Visiting museums
Community Connections!
​Our farms are set up as Agra-Tourism sites that create jobs, produce goods for sale and offer opportunities for community inclusion and interaction. They are set up as examples of “green living” and sustainable farming and we invite the broader community in to create awareness about autism and a healthy environment.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Oasis extends community engagement through community-supported agriculture (CSA) from May-October. Interns work side-by-side with the farmers, to plant and harvest a variety of produce for our CSA partners.
Our Breakfast & Tea Services
The epitome of the integration of meaningful work and community interaction is exemplified through Oasis’ Social Graces Tea Service and Breakfast Cafe. These innovative agrotourism experiences forge significant connections within the community and are mutually beneficial for all.
Social Graces is a traditional “high tea” service that is held weekly from September-May, and the Breakfast Cafe is held Saturdays from June-August. The interns play pivotal roles in the preparation and execution of these events. Interns are trained in various service roles. Some of these positions include servers, host, busser, and dishwasher.
The Tea Services and Breakfast Cafes provide a variety of opportunities for interns to be engaged in meaningful work with tangible or “end” results. Everyone has an interconnected role. Interns in the farming zones harvest greens and fruits used in the tea service and breakfast services. Interns in the homesteading zones make goat cheese and goat yogurt, make jams, bake scones, make teas, and more. ​
Our Farm Store
The Oasis Farm Store is open to the community and is another authentic and meaningful way for the interns to receive on the job training and to interact with the community.​​​
All these collaborative efforts not only enhance the interns' connection to the community but also allow the community to appreciate the services and products crafted by our clients. Our hope is that all these programs lead to a meaningful healthy life for our clients and have the added benefit of creating a stronger and healthier local community!